Tuesday 4 October 2016

Research: Audience Profile

Today I started making outline notes about what my target audience for 'One Off' was like
Age: 15-35
Gender: Male 60 : 40 Female

Viewers of our film are likely to enjoy watching TV shows such as 'The Walking Dead', or films such as 'World War Z'. Our target audience will enjoy shows and films like this as it is about the dangerous, futuristic and tense situation which you wouldn't want to experience in real life. The younger part of our target age bracket will be interested in our film as it is about people of their age. 

This audience profiling will help us later on in the process with the forms of distribution which we choose to use. For example, we will create an Instagram page, Facebook page and Twitter. We will do this because these are the social media platforms which our target audience use. This will allow us to address them correctly and these social media platforms will allow us to communicate with our audiences during the production stage. An example of this would be putting up release date updates and short behind the scene videos to tease them about the new film. This will entice our audience to come and see our film on release as they will feel more connected.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a clear start profiling your audience. What is the rating for your film likely to be?


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OLLIE MUNDAY-ROWE 1346 CLAREMONT FAN COURT SCHOOL 64680 I worked with Alexander Allman-Varty 1301, Ryan Evans 1321 and Milo Gam...