The title of my magazine cover is in a large font at the top in the centre. The protagonist from our film is seen in the middle centre because he is the main feature which shows the synergy with my poster and trailer. The bodies of text that are below the title which show the price and the release date which add to the legitimacy of the magazine cover. The star of our production is important, as Dyer says the star is the most important aspect as they bring their followers to the film, increasing our audience size.
The background image of our magazine cover is of our protagonist but in a different light to in the film. He is leaning against a tree in an almost relaxed manner as if he is ready to do an interview. The title of our film helps further promote the synergy within our promotional package. It includes the same font as the film poster and trailer to include synergy.
The background image of our magazine cover is of our protagonist but in a different light to in the film. He is leaning against a tree in an almost relaxed manner as if he is ready to do an interview. The title of our film helps further promote the synergy within our promotional package. It includes the same font as the film poster and trailer to include synergy.
The first step of creating my film magazine was to decide on a background image. I decided to use this image of Xander leaning against a tree stump as it shows him in an almost relaxed, out of film, type state which is what I wanted for my magazine.

The next step to making my magazine was to add the title and the tagline. This was fairly simple as I knew that I was going to use the same font and size as on my film poster (synergy). I wanted to place it in a central position as I had looked at Empire magazine and this is where they had placed film names. It allows for a prominent title, without being too overpowering.

After the title of the film, I wanted to create a title for the magazine. I thought of the name 'A-Lister' as it hasn't been used and it pushes the quality of my production. I did this in red to add an accent to break the white up. I also added the price in USD and GBP.

Next, I decided to add in a black circle with white writing for contrast to attract attention saying what is inside the magazine. Also, I added the names of films that the magazine is previewing inside.

I then added a line at the top to support the title of the magazine, and I added in extra information about what is inside the magazine, such as an exclusive interview with Brad Pitt. As for the magazine as a whole, at this point, I didn't want it to look too crowded.

Finally, to complete my film magazine I added some finishing touches just to add professionalism to add to the overall look. I added some red '+' signs in the top/middle right to add contrast to the colour changes and to separate the new films being shown. I also moved some text to so that the gutter.

After further feedback from my peers, I decided to add further cover lines in the middle left. I also decided to remove the box around the '2020' and to make the text slightly smaller as it was too big and took away attention from the rest of the magazine.
Very good. The high quality of the initial photography imbues the magazine cover with realism and signals the post-apocalyptic scenario when coupled with the centrally placed film title 2020. The positioning and stance of the protagonist in the frame successfully conveys his emotions. The cover meets genre conventions with its masthead, topline, price, puff and cover lines, although they are rather on the scanty side, giving the cover more of a 'Sight and Sound' refined quality than a blockbusters suggested by "2017's biggest movies'. The cover features the protagonist and the same high definition as the poster, ensuring cohesion.
ReplyDeleteYou have undertaken some re-drafting as a result of audience feedback, adding coverlines on the left hand side, adjusting the proportion of the main splash so that it did not dwarf the masthead, removing the box frame for the main splash. Your film magazine 'A LISTER' now looks a bit busier and yet more streamlined. Good work.