My film poster strongly signals the genre of my film very clearly. This is because of the dramatic 'end of the world' apocalyptic theme that is shown throughout. It is shown through the heavily saturated colours of the sky and the other symbolic codes for a disaster such as the cracks in the ground. These both suggest strong ideas towards a catastrophe.
The pose of the protagonist in this poster is favourable towards expressing the theme of this film. Xander is placed in a desolate position as he is abandoned and he is deep in thought. The backdrop of the imposing mansion makes the whole situation look isolated and more so makes the abandoned building look derelict.
The title of the poster central, as well as being large and clear. It shows 2020, I decided to choose a font that would make it clear to read to my audience. The strapline of 'final fight' is alliteration which allows it to flow off of the tongue. It also symbolises how it is the protagonist's last chance to find help to survive before he dies.
Here is the stock photo that I used to create my poster. I started off initially with using the clone tool to remove a van which was in the photo in front of the mansion. I removed it so that it would make the overall look of the poster more professional. Also, I cloned some trees on the left-hand side so that there wasn't a lot of negative space and so that the overall look of the image is more intact and adds a darker hue to the poster. Also, when I put the clouds in the background, it would make the image look darker and have a more post apocalypse feel.
I then added in the clouds and the cracks in the ground. I attempted to have a realistic impact of the clouds, not making them too prominent by changing the hue to slightly lighter. I had to implement the clouds through using vectors so that they would look realistic and not just put into the PSD document. I also did the same with the cracks on the floor as when I placed them on the grass they were covering over Xander's face. To rectify this, I used the eraser tool to make sure that there were no cracks over him or above the grass.
After this, I added in two awards titles. This gives the poster a more realistic ident as when comparing to other film posters, there are awards there too. Initially, the awards were in black font, so I had to magic wand them and change the colour to white with the paint bucket tool.
This was the stage where I implemented the title, actor's names, and strapline. For the title, I chose '2020', as it related to our film in the sense that '2012' did. I implemented the title in a clear clean font so that it would be easy to read from afar. I also decided to use the same font for the actor's names, as well as the strapline in capital letters for emphasis. I decided to put the title, strapline, and names of actors in the centre as it allowed for a neater look and puts emphasis on the mansion and the boy below.
Next, I added in the billing block. For this, I researched on what fonts are used to create these. I decided upon a font and then downloaded it to use. I chose to use white as it would be the clearest and stand out from the dark background. I also chose to use 'Star Treck' as a poster to gain ideas as to what to put in the billing block.

Finally, I inserted the social media tags as well as a release date. I decided to go for Instagram and Facebook because they are two of the most popular social media websites, as well as being easy to access. Also, a website and release date were included - 'Summer 2017'.
Excellent grasp of genre codes: a powerful image showcasing the film's protagonist against the principal set which is skilfully manipulated to connote the high drama of an end-of-the-world scenario. The lighting is imbued with tension and tension, suggestive of natural disasters like earthquakes,storms and fire.Equally sound grasp of genre conventions with convincing layout,billing block, website, release date. Understanding of how to attract & address the target audience is clear from the inclusion of the puffs and social media links. Synergy is created via the central image, an echo of the film poster and film magazine cover forming a coherent package.